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Nextblock Autoclaved promotes sustainable building in Bangladesh

Tilottoma Group and Shanghai Chaoheng Investment Co., has been producing ACC blocks under the Nextblock Autoclaved brand to promote environmentally friendly construction materials in Bangladesh, a press release said on Thursday.

Following World Environment Day, The Ministry of Housing and Public Works’ autonomous organization ‘Housing and Building Research Institute (HBRI)’ and Bangladesh’s first ever environmentally friendly AAC block manufacturer ‘Nextblock Autoclaved’ have signed an MOU to conduct research and develop guidelines on modern AAC in order to enhance the standard of the building and construction sector in Bangladesh.

The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) took place for symbolizing a collaborative effort between HBRI (Housing and Building Research Institute) and Nextblock Autoclaved, represented by HBRI Director General Ashraful Alam and Nextblock Autoclaved Managing Director Shahriar Sajjad. This significant partnership aims to propel the nation’s construction industry to unprecedented levels while simultaneously addressing climate-related concerns.

According to the MOU, ‘Nextblock Autoclaved’ has handed over a Tk 1 lakh cheque to HBRI’s Director General, Mohammad Ashraful Alam to support HBRI’s research activities for exploring development opportunities & proper usage of eco-friendly AAC block-Nextblock Autoclaved.

Nextblock Autoclaved Chairman Joarder Nowsher Aliand Chief Executive Officer Mohammad Emran were in attendance, as were HBRI principal research officer Nafizur Rahman and Principal Research Engineer- Mohammad Parvez Khadem.

Nextblocks (AAC) weigh roughly 40% less than conventional bricks. The lightweight nature of the material reduces transportation costs, labor costs, and enhances the likelihood of surviving during earthquakes.

When planning a project, using Nextblocks (AAC) can cut the cost of building by 20%. One block is equivalent to seven red bricks, it weighs only 7.5–9.5 kg, or about one third the weight of regular brick. Furthermore, using AAC materials during construction also results in a reduction in the amount of foundation cost needed.

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