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Physically challenged people call for more employment opportunities

Representatives of 9 associations of physically challenged people ask for more employment opportunities at the time of met with BGMEA Vice President ShahidullahAzim at BGMEA PR office in Dhaka on October 27.

They discussed issues related to employment of people with disabilities. They said around 10 percent of the total population in the country are disabled to some extent. They are often treated as burden on families due to lack of adequate employment opportunities for them.

They said despite having the provision of 5 percent rebate on the total tax of a taxpayer if 10 percent of the total workforce are from physically challenged people, it is not always feasible for employers to recruit such percentage of people with disabilities. Hence, the number of employment opportunities for physically challenged are below their expectations.

They proposed 5 percent rebate on the total tax of a taxpayer if 2 percent of the total workforce are from physically challenged people.

If the provision is amended, it would pave the way for creating more employment opportunities for physically challenged people, they opined.

They also urged BGMEA to encourage its member garment factories to employ more physically challenged people and create conducive environment for them.

BGMEA Vice President ShahidullahAzim agreeing with their proposal of amendment to the tax rebate provision.

He said many garment factories in Bangladesh are employing physically challenged people. BGMEA would request its members to recruit more people with disabilities in their factories.

Physically challenged people are also part of society and want to lead dignified life by taking part in in the mainstream of development activities.

Bashir Al Hossain, Program Manager at National Grassroots Disability Organization; Nasrin Jahan, Executive Director, Disabled Child Foundation; Ashrafun Nahar Misti, Executive Director, Women with Disability Development Foundation; Nasima Akhter; President, National Council of Disabled Women; Monir Hossain, Project Officer, Disabled Child Foundation; Sushanto Das, President, National Grassroots Disability Organization; Samira Haq, Accountant Coordinator, Women with Disability Development Foundation were present at the meeting, a press release said.

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