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Premier Bank holds country’s first award ceremony for English medium school teachers

Premier Bank Limited has organized “Excellence in Education” a recognition and award ceremony at The Renaissance Dhaka Gulshan Hotel on 20 September to honor the English medium school teachers who have dedicated more than 15 years to developing the youth of the country. M. Reazul Karim, FCMA, Managing Director and CEO of the bank presided over the ceremony where Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury (MP), Deputy Minister of Education graced the ceremony as Chief Guest. M Imran Iqbal, Honorable Director and Chairman of Risk Management Committee of the bank and Md Nazrul Islam Khan, Former Education Secretary, Curator of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Memorial Museum attended the ceremony as Special Guests. Teachers from the top English Medium schools in the country, senior officials of The Bank along with local eminent business personalities and dignitaries also attended the ceremony.

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