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Premier Bank opens new branch at Hasnabad

The Premier Bank Limited has inaugurated a branch at Hasnabad in Keraniganj recently, a press release said Thursday. The branch, located at Nazim Uddin Complex (1st floor) in Keranigonj (South), was inaugurated by Shamsuddin Chowdhury, AMD of the bank. Md. Tareq Uddin, EVP and head of brand marketing and communications, Haji Mohd. Iqbal Hossain, chairman, Shubhadda Union Council, Keraniganj, Haji Mohd. Lat Mia, chairman, Teghria Union Council, Keraniganj, Jasim Sikdar, MD, Janani Builders Limited; Lion Abdus Salam Choudhury, proprieter, Messars Salam and Builders, Md. Al Mamun, AVP and manager of Hasnabad branch, and Nadim Joy, proprietor, Nazim Uddin Complex, were also present.

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