The Premier Bank Limited has recently opened 7 sub-branches in various locations across the city, said a press release.
The sub-branches are Bhashantek (under Banani branch), Manda (under Dilkusha Corporate branch), Shobujbag (under Dilkusha branch), Madertek (under Dilkusha branch), Fulbaria (under Garib-e-newaz branch), Faidabad (under Uttara branch), Kamrangirchar (under Dhaka new Market branch).
Mr. Syed Nowsher Ali, Deputy Managing Director and Head of General Services Division inaugurated the Bhashantek sub-branch through a ribbon cutting ceremony. Mr. Md. Tareq Uddin, Executive Vice President and Head of Brand Marketing and Communications Division along with other senior bank officials, local business personalities, customers and dignitaries were also present at the inauguration.
Mr. Mohammed Emtiaz Uddin, Senior Executive Vice President and Head of SME and Agriculture Division inaugurated the Fulbaria sub-branch.
Mr. Abdul Batin Choudhury, Senior Executive Vice President and Head of Dilkusha branch inaugurated the Sabujbag and Madertek sub-branch.
Md. Hasanul Hossain, Executive Vice President, Corporate Banking inaugurated the Faidabad sub-branch.
Mr. Abdul Mannan Khan, Senior Vice President and Head of Dilkusha Corporate branch inaugurated the Manda sub-branch.