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Reactor Building unit-1 complete ahead of schedule

Main concrete work of auxiliary reactor building at unit-1 of Rooppur NPP has been completed 8 months ahead of schedule which is a part of the ‘Nuclear Island’ and is designed to house process instrumentation and control devices.

The construction time period of the building was reduced by 241 days, thanks to logistic processes optimization and were timely supply with the required resources like materials and tools.

The average volume of concrete laid by specialists of NIKIMT-Atomstroy accounted for 1,600 m3 per month instead of scheduled1,000 m3.

Alexey Deriy, Vice President of ASE and Project Director for Rooppur NPP Construction said, the pace of work, achieved by the specialists of NIKIMT-Atomstroy, while satisfying all the stringent quality requirements, demonstrates the highest potentials of Rooppur NPP construction workers. With such high professionalism of our employees, we safely can say that construction of the Bangladesh’s first NPP will be completed within the scheduled dates, despite a range of challenges including COVID-19 pandemic and complex international situation.

Rooppur NPP will be equipped with two Russian VVER-1200 reactors with a total capacity of 2,400 MWe. This is an evolutionary Generation III+ design which fully complies with all the international safety requirements. Engineering Division of Rosatom State Corporation, Russia is the General Designer and General Contractor of the project.

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