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SHAHID, the first Bangladeshi, to Serve World Committee on Tourism Ethics

Shahid Hamid FIH, Chairman and Founder of SH’otel Hospitality Management & Consultancy, has been appointed as Alternate Member on the board of World Committee on Tourism Ethics (WCTE) during the twenty-fourth session of the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) General Assembly held in Madrid, Spain, on December 01 2021.

Early this year, he was nominated by Bangladesh Tourism Board (BTB) to represent Bangladesh and is the first Bangladeshi to be recognized with this honor. Shahid, also serving his fourth term as Chairman of Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Bangladesh Chapter, will performhis responsibilities on the new composition of the WCTE for the period of 2021-2025.

In addition to his current roles in WCTE and PATA, he is also on the board of SKAL International Bangladesh and holds a Fellowship from the Institute of Hospitality, UK. He is an alumni of Cornell University USA and University of Dhaka as well.

World Committee on Tourism Ethics (WCTE) an independent and impartial body, is a subsidiary to the UNWTO General Assembly, responsible for monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on the implementations of the principles protected within the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. Its mission is also to address all those issues with ethical consequences for society or the environment those are directly or indirectly related to the tourism sector.

Bangladesh Tourism Board (BTB), which was formed in 2010 under the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism as the national tourism organization of Bangladesh, is responsible for promoting tourism and providing necessary trainings. It carried out the nomination campaign that led to the selection of Shahid to the panel of the WCTE this year.

The organization arranged various activities to enhance the standard of tourism in Bangladesh and showcase its features to the world through the popular program “Beautiful Bangladesh”. It sent in the nomination as an initiative of the Golden Jubilee celebration of Victory Day, expressing hopeto motivate the post-pandemic tourism recovery or the industry.

“I feel proud for having Shahid Hamid, a Bangladesh Tourism Board Nominee, as a member of WCTE for the period of 2021-2025. In my viewhe has a diverse experience in the tourism and hospitality industry for long. I am confident that he would be able to discharge his taskssincerely”,  said Jabed Ahmed, Chief Executive Officer of Bangladesh Tourism Board, expressing his gratitude on this appointment.

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