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Singer embarks new initiative “Transform for Growth”

Singer Bangladesh Ltd., a subsidiary of Arcelik, flagship of Türkiye’s Koc Group, on Friday revealed its new initiative as “Transform for Growth” with a press conference. The meeting saw the attendances of Mr. M.H.M. Fairoz, Managing Director and CEO at Singer Bangladesh Limited, Mr. Cemal Can Dinçer, Chief Commercial Officer Türkiye and Southern Asia at Arçelik, Mr. Özkan Çimen, Chief Financial Officer at Arçelik, Mr. Fatih Özkadı, Chief Sustainability, Quality, Customer Care Officer at Arçelik,  Ms. Handan Abdurrahmanoğlu, Director of South Asia Regional Marketing, Business Transformation & Growth at Arcelik along with other officials from Arcelik and Singer Bangladesh.

Singer’s new initiative includes a series of transformations, including a state-of-the-art manufacturing plant, one-of-its-kind Concept Store, and a workplace representing the company’s new vision. Singer Bangladesh aims to bring Koç Group and Arcelik’s global expertise and standards to Bangladesh and enhance the consumer experience, reaffirming Singer Bangladesh’s commitment to excellence.

The Managing Director & CEO of Singer Bangladesh Ltd. Mr. M.H.M. Fairoz said, “The economy is growing, lifestyle of our customers are changing with it. Keeping customer centricity at the core of our operations, Singer Bangladesh is also transforming its operations to bring the most contemporary and global standards to the customers of Bangladesh.” During his speech he also added, “Singer is the pioneer in consumer durables business in Bangladesh. With that strong legacy in our consumers’ mind, we aim to become the leading consumer durables company in Bangladesh in the near future.”

Commenting on these transformative endeavors, Can Dinçer, Chief Commercial Officer Türkiye and Southern Asia at Arçelik said, “Singer Bangladesh has 118 years of history and the pioneer in consumer durables industry in the country. With a vision to make it the top brand in the country, we have been gradually transforming the business operation with some significant initiatives. The launch of ‘Transform for Growth’ marks a pivotal moment in Singer Bangladesh’s journey. The new concept store, new corporate office and our manufacturing plant investment are the strongest pillars of this transformation. We remain determined in our pursuit of innovation, customer satisfaction, and sustainable economic growth.”

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