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Smart network construction requires skilled workforce, implementation

Skilled labour is available not only to invent new technology but also to maximize its use, however, immediate implementation is required for this, Planning Minister M A Mannan said at a seminar to launch the “Smart Bangladesh Network,” which was hosted by the Idea Foundation and ICT Division with the help of A2I (Aspire to Innovate) and Bangladesh Brand Forum (BBF).

The minister also stated that both public and private organizations are working towards the realization of Vision 2041. “We hope to see more technological advancements in the goals of reducing poverty, building a cashless society through paperless trade, expanding education at all levels, utilizing innovative technology in higher education, agricultural prosperity, and the creation of new employment opportunities with guaranteed employment for all.”

The seminar was presided over by Kazi M Aminul Islam, former World Bank alternate executive director, former secretary and former chairman of Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA), and chairman of IDEA Foundation, in the presence of special guest Salman F Rahman, MP, Private Industry and Investment adviser to the prime minister.

Salman F Rahman said that the Smart Bangladesh Network acts as a technology hub where everyone can come together and work together. Through this, everyone will be able to enjoy the benefits of counselling according to their needs.

“We need to create smart networks by empowering every citizen to use technology in their daily financial transactions. Also, there should be a focus on timely development to reach remote areas and benefit everyone. Our country has all kinds of skills to undertake this initiative but the private sector needs to come forward for its successful implementation,” he said. 

He added that “Smart Bangladesh” is not a newer version of the government’s “Digital Bangladesh” campaign, rather it has different goals and challenges.

Speakers in the event discussed the public and commercial sectors’ contributions to Vision 2041’s four important pillars: Smart Citizen, Smart Government, Smart Society, and Smart Economy.

These pillars will work together to achieve a “Developed and Prosperous Bangladesh” by 2041 and a “Safe and Planned Delta” by 2100.

The speakers emphasized the need of using digitization services for everybody in the journey toward achieving sustainable development, resulting in a happy, wealthy, and developed Smart Bangladesh.

The Innovation and Development Associates (IDEA) Foundation is a non-profit organization in Bangladesh that does independent research, policy analysis, advocacy, consulting, and project execution.

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