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Solo art exhibition of Yachina Sofia in Gallery Chitrak

Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr. Hasan Mahmud has inaugurated the solo exhibition of Russian artist Yachina Sofia titled ‘My Blue Stories’ by Gallery Chitrak Sofia at Dhanmondi.

He was joined by Russian Ambassador Alexander Vikentievich Mantitsky as special guest at the opening of 62 painting exhibition. Eminent painter freedom fighter Abul Barak Alvi presided over the program and exhibition curator Kavi Aminur Rahman conducted the program.

In his speech, the Information Minister mentioned the historical contribution of Russia in the liberation war of Bangladesh and the deep friendly relations between the two countries. He said the exchange of art and culture deepens ethnic ties and the exhibition of paintings by Yachin Sofia will further strengthen the bond of friendship between the two countries.

Dr. Hasan congratulated Yachina Sophia’s father, who is working in Rooppur nuclear project, and her mother, who is visiting Bangladesh, for attending the event.

Russian Ambassador Alexander thanked the organizer of the exhibition and the Minister of Information and Broadcasting. At the end of the event, the guests toured the exhibition.

The 6-day exhibition of paintings by Kursk University Master of Arts Yachin Sofia is open daily from 11 am to 8 pm on October 29.

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