Square Textiles Ltd. has declared Cash Dividend @ 20% to its shareholders for the year ended June 30, 2021 .
The dividend was announced at its 26th Annual General Meeting (AGM) held through virtual platform on Wednesday (December 15, 2021). Chairman of the company Tapan Chowdhury presided over the AGM.
Speaking at the AGM he appreciated the shareholders for their trust and support to the company’s performance.
Ratna Patra, Vice Chairman, Samuel S Chowdhury, Managing Director, Nihad Kabir and S.M. Rezaur Rahman, Independent Director, Md. Kabir Reza, Head of A&F, M Habibur Rahman, Chief Financial Officer and Sanjib Baran Roy, Company Secretary, were present at the meeting.
The Consolidated Turnover, Gross Profit and Net Profit (After Tax) for the year ended 30 June 2021 were Tk. 1,329.35 crore, Tk. 143.47 crore and Tk. 67.19 crore respectively.
Square Textiles Limited contributed Tk. 13.68 crore to the national exchequer, said a press release.
The Board of Directors have appreciated the performance of the officers, staff as well as workers for their persistent efforts to help optimize the profit of the Company.
The Directors also acknowledged the co-operation and unwavering support received from various agencies including Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission, Stock Exchanges, National Board of Revenue and other agencies in the public and private sector.
Shareholders were present at the AGM and many of them participated in the discussion on the company’s performance and future expansion.