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StanChart announces sustainability challenge    

Standard Chartered Bangladesh has announced the “Embracing Sustainability Challenge,” a united country-wide challenge, to make further strides in driving environmental conservation. The bank has also introduced several initiatives that aim to cut down on energy consumption and drive efficiency across all of the Bank’s office spaces and branches. The initiatives are designed to complement the Government’s recently announced conservation measures and are being implemented with immediate effect. The challenge will encourage staff to think greener, approach sustainability as a way of life and lead by example. Starting in August, all staff will take part in 30 days of action, participating in activities centred on four themes: Going Green, Conserving Water, Conserving Energy and Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. To reduce energy consumption and import dependence, Standard Chartered has announced that all office spaces will be closed on Sundays – excluding branches and other essential services – and employees will be expected to work from home on the day. The employees will be required to spend a minimum of two days working from home per week.

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