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UCL wins ‘Gold Award’ for corporate governance

Unilever Consumer Care Limited (UCL) has won the ‘Gold Award’ for Corporate Governance Excellence awarded by the Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB) in 10th ICSB National Award 2022 in the Food and Allied Companies category. This is UCL’s 3rd consecutive win. It was awarded in recognition of UCL’s excellence in transparency, accountability and discipline in corporate governance. At a recent event held at a hotel in the capital, Tapan Kanti Ghosh, Honorable Senior Secretary, Ministry of Commerce; M Nurul Alam FCS, Senior Vice President and Chairman, CGA Committee of ICSB; Md. Nojibur Rahman, Chairman of the Board of Governors (BoG) of Capital Market Stabilization Fund (CMSF), and Former Principal Secretary of the Honorable Prime Minister;  handed over the award to Barrister S.O.M. Rashedul Quayum, Director and Mohammad Naharul Islam Molla, Company Secretary, Unilever Consumer Care Limited.

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