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Ventilation stack installed at unit 1 at RNPP

The ventilation stack has been installed in the design position of the reactor building at Unit 1 of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (RNPP) recently, a press release said Tuesday.

The extremely difficult process of installation of the 67-meter long and of 100-ton weight structure took 8 hours to complete and a powerful crane was used for the purpose.

“After installation of the ventilation stack, which is designed for removal of excessive heat and moisture from the reactor compartment, the reactor building has reached the elevation of +99.500, and if we take into account the lighting rod arrester, it is now +101.000, being exceeded only by the 175-meter evaporation cooling towers”, said Alexey Deriy, Director for Rooppur NPP Construction Project.

“Currently, works for installation of large-size equipment are underway at the Power Unit. In August, we will continue the installation of the passive heat removal system elements – one of the most important safety systems in the reactor building”, he added.


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