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Walton arranges future leaders program-2021

The grand final of the ‘Walton Future Leaders Program (WFLP)-2021’ has recently held with awarding and recruiting the winners to the post of Management Trainee Officers (MTOs), said a press release on Sunday.

WFLP-2021’s grand finale program was arranged on Saturday at Walton’s corporate office in the capital maintaining proper covid-19 hygiene and social distancing rules.

Walton Hi-Tech Industries Limited’s managing director Golam Murshed handed over the crests and certificates to the awardees as chief guest. Meanwhile, he also handed over the MTOs appointment letters to them.

The function was also attended by Walton’s AMD Abul Bashar Hawlader, DMDs Nazrul Islam Sarker, Eva Rezwana, Amdadul Haque Sarker, Humayun Kabir and Shoyeb Hossain Nobel, Walton plaza trades’ CEO Mohammad Rayhan, EDs SM Zahid Hasan, S M Shahadat Alam, Yusuf Ali and Amin Khan, CMO Firoj Alam, Walton ac product’s CEO Tanvir Rahman, refrigerator’s CEO Anisur Rahman Mallick, home appliance’s CEO Al Imran, EDs Shahjalal Hossain Limon and Rakib Uddin, future leaders program’s project director Tanvir Anjum and deputy project director Mashharar Bhuiyan.

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