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Walton recruits six disabled employees

Setting-up an exemplary compassion and humanity towards the people with physical disability, Walton recruited six physically challenged employed at Walton, a multinational electronics giant.

They have been recruited under managing director and chief executive officer (CEO) of Walton Hi-Tech Industries Golam Murshed’s initiative ‘Better Bangladesh Tomorrow’ formed to build the best Bangladesh. Walton will gradually employ more such people to the organization.

On Monday, November 1, 2021 the newly appointed disadvantaged employees were received with offering them appointment letters at a program titled ‘People Matter More : Financial Emancipation For Everyone’ held at the Walton corporate office in Dhaka, a press release said.

The six physically challenged employees are- Sabina Khatun, Sobita Rani Dash, Susan Dey, Arbindu Chakma, Lutfar Rahman and Abu Bakar Siddique. The new employees hired through the Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP) are set to work in different departments including Walton’s corporate office and service centers.

Golam Murshed at the reception program said that every human being is disabled in one way or another in this world despite we look very pretty visibly. If we can’t fulfill your responsibilities towards the society, that is also disability while the biggest disability is to neglect of our own responsibilities. The people who are not thinking about protecting the environment are also disabled in some way with those who do not treat others well are disabled as well. If we cannot create a livable world for future generations, we are mentally handicapped, so we all need to think positively.

‘Don’t think of yourself as weak. There are many talents and possibilities among you. We are lucky to have you in the Walton family. All of you joined with over 30,000 members of Walton family. Our country will be changed and it is possible by us,’ he said addressing the disadvantaged employees.

The six physically challenged people expressed their commitment to fulfill the highest responsibility towards the organization and the country as they are seen very happy to get the opportunity to work for the Walton. Among them, Lutfar Rahman said, ‘I am very happy to be involved in the Walton family. We are overwhelmed and impressed by the respect Walton has given us.’

Walton Hi-Tech Industries Limited’s Deputy Managing Directors Nazrul Islam Sarker and Eva Rezwana, Plaza Trade’s CEO Mohammad Rayhan, Senior Executive Directors SM Zahid Hasan, Amin Khan, Emdadul Karim, Executive Directors Muzahedin Islam, Tanvir Anjum and Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) Kamruzzaman were present among others on the occasion

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