Education either makes us or breaks us

There is a fork in the road before us. We have to choose who we are as human beings and as a human family. Do we break humanity or do we make it? As I write, the already staggering number of 224 million children and adolescents denied their right to quality

The West faces a stark reality of a resurgent Russia as Ukraine is losing the war

Ukraine is now experiencing a level of existential threat comparable only to the situation immediately after the full-scale Russian invasion in February 2022. But in contrast to then, improvements are unlikely – at least not soon. Not only have conditions along the frontline significantly worsened, according to the Ukrainian commander-in-chief, Oleksandr

Will global oil supply be at risk if Iran, Israel pull the Middle East into war?

Tensions in the Middle East have escalated following Iran’s weekend missile and drone attacks on Israel, heightening concerns of a wider conflict. As with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, further conflict has the potential to destabilise oil prices and disrupt supply chains. In Australia, already grappling with a cost-of-living crisis, the ripple

How free & fair will this year’s election be under Narendra Modi’s India?

India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, is favoured to win reelection when India’s 970 million voters start heading to the polls on April 19 in the country’s massive, six-week general election. Modi, who has been prime minister since 2014, has benefited from a divided opposition, glowing mainstream media coverage and high economic