Are the world’s ongoing conflicts in danger of going nuclear?

The constant drumbeat of nuclear threats seems never ending—emanating primarily from the Russians, Israeli right-wing politicians and North Koreans. The threats also prompt one lingering question: Can there be a World War III without the use of nuclear weapons? In a report August 27, Reuters quoted a senior Russian official as saying

Incorporate genetics, social support into public health campaigns

A recent study published in Journal Communications Medicine explores how people from different income levels and urban or rural backgrounds view the factors that influence health across eight countries: Brazil, China, Germany, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, and the United States. It found that those with higher incomes are more likely to

A better tomorrow with South-South cooperation

The annual United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation, commemorated annually on September 12, serves as a powerful reminder of the spirit of solidarity and cooperation that transcends geographic borders — a spirit that is crucial for securing a better and thriving future for all. In a world facing cross-cutting challenges,

Community involvement in institutional development

After the successful student movement in Bangladesh in 2024, educational institutions are facing challenges from agitators in various ways. In some cases, institutional heads are also facing harassment. Educational institutions play a significant role in building society. Moreover, students are the principal stakeholders in these institutions and directly benefit from

A UN 2.0 needs robust people’s civil society participation

A cascade of crises endangers our world. Wars conducted without rules, governance devoid of democratic principles, surge in discrimination against women and excluded groups, accelerating climate change, greed-induced environmental degradation and unconscionable economic deprivation in an age of excess are threatening to roll back decades of human progress made by

The deadly US weapons of civilian destruction

As the devastating 11-month-old conflict in Gaza keeps escalating, with over 41,000 mostly civilian killings, and more than 92,000 Palestinians injured –in retaliation for the 1,200 killings inside Israel last October– the Israelis continue to defy the United States which maintains its uninterrupted flow of heavy weapons to Tel Aviv. There

Rising Temperatures threaten our oceans

Human practices, such as unsustainable fishing, pollution, coastal development, and fossil fuel use have pushed the Earth’s oceans to their limits. This has resulted in warmer, more acidic waters. As global temperatures rise yearly due to climate change, oceans continue to see significant losses in biodiversity, rising sea levels, and