Should military leaders be barred from addressing the UN?

A rash of military coups in African countries — including Burkina Faso, Sudan, Guinea, Mali, and most recently Niger– has raised a legitimate question: What should be the response of the United Nations, a world body that swears by multi-party democracy, on army take-overs? Condemnation? Yes. Last week, the strong denunciations of

Israel switches to ‘illiberal democracy’ after darkness fell

On 25th July, the Israel parliament Knesset passed a controversial law to clip the wings of the “interventionist” Supreme Court, the mainstream newspaper published a full “black” front page with a small white print at the bottom: "A Black Day for Israeli Democracy". Immediately, the Ethiopian Jews and residents of Israel

The humanitarian & strategic risks of US cluster munitions transfers to Ukraine

The Biden administration’s decision to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions, a weapon widely banned for the inherent dangers they pose to non-combatants, is risky. In addition to the immediate and long-term humanitarian consequences, the transfer of clusters jeopardizes the domestic and international political consensus around support for Ukraine which will be

Exchange rate movements due to interest rates, speculation, not fundamentals

Currency values and foreign exchange rates change for many reasons, largely following market perceptions, regardless of fundamentals. Market speculation has worsened volatility, instability and fragility in most economies, especially of small, open, developing countries. US Fed pushing up interest rates For no analytical rhyme or reason, US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) chairman

Bangladesh orchid losses signal ecological imbalance

Among the 188 identified orchids once found in Bangladesh, 32 are extinct from nature in the last few decades, according to a study published in the now-defunct International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. The Revelator also published a story based on the findings. Theocostele alata, Anoectochilus roxburghii, Habenaria viridifolia and

Brick kiln: A call for stronger implementation of laws

Brick kiln problem in Bangladesh presents a complex issue that demands immediate attention. Environmental degradation, labor exploitation, and health hazards are the alarming realities associated with the unregulated brick kiln industry. By implementing stringent regulations, promoting sustainable practices, and protecting workers' rights, Bangladesh can pave the way for a more

Seizing the moment for a more resilient Asia & the Pacific

The world faces a disaster emergency, yet nowhere is the threat more immediate than in Asia and the Pacific. Ours is a region where climate change-induced disasters are becoming more frequent and intense. Since 1970, two million people have lost their lives to disasters. Tragically, but all too predictably, the poorest

Guns for hire? A season for mercenaries

Just after a band of mercenaries tried to oust the government in the Maldives back in 1988, I asked a Maldivian diplomat, using a familiar military catch phrase, about the strength of his country’s “standing army.” “Standing army?”, the diplomat asked with mock surprise, and remarked perhaps half-jokingly, “We don’t even