Islamic DPS onboarded in bKash app

Alongside regular DPS service of Dhaka Bank, customers can now avail of Islamic DPS services of the bank through the bKash app, anytime and anywhere. This development expands bKash customers' access to shariah-based Islamic DPS service from two banks along with DPS services from four banks and one financial institution.  As

Banglalink launches lifestyle pack RYZE

Banglalink has unveiled RYZE, an innovative AI-powered digital lifestyle pack aimed at empowering young users with a dynamic digital experience. Under this prepaid package, RYZE also offers a unique feature of ‘endless internet’ where all data packs ensure continued internet availability even if the purchased volume is consumed before the

SEB helds capacity development workshop

Southeast Bank PLC (SEB) recently conducted a successful Capacity Development Workshop bringing together 58 executives and officers from various branches and Uposhakhas, highlighting retail products, marketing techniques and related risk management procedure to ensure prompt and effective customer service. The workshop emphasized the importance of employee commitment and ownership in