Education, alongside health, is important too

The world is facing endless problems because of the Covid-19. No one knows when the pandemic will completely disappear. Owing to the coronavirus, direct teaching in educational institutions has been stopped in the country for about 14 months. Research activities at higher education institutions have come to a halt. Online

Hefazat on the run?

Although the Hefazat and the shushil community in Bangladesh and abroad were convinced about Islamist power, the government it appears wasn’t. Some saw in Hefazat  an overwhelming monster that could swallow their vision of Bangladesh. To the government, it seems, it was another threat to manage. BNP had also bought the

Make lockdown count

Shutting only govt offices, public transports won’t help The government has decided, once again, to extend the ongoing ‘strict’ lockdown for seven more days in an aim to control the coronavirus infection in the country. According to the new decision, the restrictions will remain in force till May 5. However, during