The rampage in Sunamganj has been coloured in faith identity lines, common in Bangladesh and as expected. It’s not about the general state of social and political intolerance but the traditional Hindu-Muslim divide and conflict. Thanks to Facebook this confusion will grow and the scenario will remain as they have
The vaccine war and us
On this day, 100 years ago
As Myanmar burns
Haldar’s GF and our media
Haldar is legitimate media news. Not only has his theft made him an international criminal but it has exposed the systemic corruption pervading in our financial, legal and law enforcement structure. Haldar’s escape has now also become a major news as it transpires several police and ACC officials probably helped
As Covid-19 surges, government blames people but ….
Bangladesh’s Health Minister Zahid Maleque has blamed the people for refusing to follow health guidelines leading to a resurgence of COVID-19. The first wave caused infection but not death leading many to think it’s not a serious illness and could be ignored. Like other South Asian countries, Bangladesh thinks it has
Rule of force and our media: The Myanmar syndrome
Bangladesh media is erupting with reports on the civil military confrontation in Myanmar after the army took over. There was protest at first and now has become a confrontation. In what is clearly a well-funded campaign, the pro-SuuKyi political activists are able to stand up on their own.Western media are