A welcome move indeed

A news report published in The News Times on Sunday drew our attention. The report says a mobile court of Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) in a drive on Saturday demolished two unauthorised police boxes built on footpath in front of Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital (SSMCH) in the capital.

St Gregory’s North America alumni sets up not-for-profit organisation

Alumni of St Gregory's High School in North America have organised themselves into a not-for-profit organisation, Gregorians of North America (GNA). GNA was incorporated as a not-for-profit organisation in January of 2022. Through the organisation, the alumni want to give back to the school and Bangladesh. Dr Faisal M Rahman, founding chairman

Ensure enforcement of child labour laws

It is becoming increasingly difficult to get the Generalised System of Preference (GSP) facility back for Bangladeshi products in the US market. Even if some conditions are met, there is no possibility of getting back GSP suddenly as child labour has not been abolished here. In such a situation, the

Conflicts over UP elections

We are getting news of repeated clashes and loss of lives over the participation in upcoming Union Parishad (UP) polls which have almost become a one-party competition thanks to the boycott by several political parties including the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). Two people have been killed and 52 others have