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Managing e-waste professionally

The quick expansion of the Internet and modern technology in Bangladesh has enabled the country to go for a massive digitalization in all of its sectors. Literally, Bangladesh has observed – indeed experienced – so substantial a progress in the Internet and Communication Technology sector over the past one decade that it could not even think of it, in any count, after so many years of independence. The increased numbers of electronic devices in every aspect of people’s daily life imply that Bangladesh is racing very fast towards a society based on Internet and technology where the country could be able to earn a considerable amount of foreign currency by exporting technology.

With the growing popularity of technology among the people, the use of electronic devices has also increased at a faster pace. But, it seems a crucial fact – that this huge number of electronic instruments, once out of order or run-out of lifespan, can turn the whole country into a big dustbin for heaps of electronic waste or e-waste if not disposed in an eco-friendly way – has received our little concern than it really deserves. We are slightly concerned about to what degree these waste materials – being non-biodegradable in nature – could impact the environment and pose threats to our health owing to their constant release of harmful chemicals.

The country takes contentment in making way for millions of electronic devices into the domestic market, which has continued over the past several years. Electronic appliances – like smart phones, television sets, refrigerators, air conditioners, computers and thousands of others – are entering the country in multitude. In the meantime, that the electronic leftovers have already posed a great threat to the environment and public health for they are usually thrown away in the open requires no further details. It is also worth concerning neither is there any awareness-making program and adequate information available regarding e-waste hazards from the government side nor have we been able so far to formulate a specific law regarding e-waste management. The government should no longer delay in documenting unambiguous policy guidelines.

E-waste is hazardous, complex and mostly discarded in the general waste stream, especially in developing countries. The unprecedented growth of e-waste is not only contributed by developed countries but also by developing countries like Bangladesh. Unfortunately enough, we – as individuals – also could not make ourselves accustomed to the reuse of throwaway materials. Recycling, which could save energy and be cost-effective as well, could be the cheapest means on hand to protect ourselves from detrimental effects of e-waste. It could play a key role in sustainable waste management at the same time. China, India, Ghana, the Philippines, Pakistan and Nigeria are the major countries that recycle or reuse more than 80 per cent of e-waste generated by developed countries. Of them, China receives and recycles 70 percent alone. Researchers showed that e-waste is not only traded between developed and developing countries but also between developing countries. Upon treatment or recycling of the imported e-waste, China uses the recycled materials in manufacturing various types of electronic and electrical equipment. One of the major destinations of the Chinese refurbished outputs is Southeast Asian countries. Bangladesh is also becoming an important secondary recipient of e-waste global export due to its substantial trade relationships with China, its exponential growth in internal and regional trade, illegal import by brokers and traders, use of ‘waste tourists’ and lack of e-waste specific regulations.

Let, then, the practice of using recycled materials develop across the country.

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