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No delay in opening educational institutions

The loss millions of students have been suffering due to the closure of educational institutions for almost a year and a half due to Covid-19 is irreparable. Due to socio-economic reasons, the educational life of many students has become uncertain. The big question now is how to compensate for this loss. On Wednesday last, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, in a meeting with the secretaries, said that the educational institutions should be opened as soon as possible when the time is convenient. At the same time, she asked the authorities concerned to bring all students above 18 under vaccination. Earlier, Education Minister Dipu Moni said that there are preparations to open educational institutions. But in reality, there is not much preparation on the part of the government. The directives issued by the Ministry of Education last year has not been reviewed whether there is a need for addition or subtraction in them. However, the heads of some educational institutions said that they are ready. If the government decides, the educational institutions will be opened.

From experiences of different countries we see that, in order to open an educational institution during the pandemic period, it needs extensive preparations. Preparations should be done on the basis of the location, infrastructure, students and class of the educational institution. In that case, the same preparation should not be taken in all educational institutions. There are many educational institutions in crowded areas in big cities, including Dhaka. In those cases, hygiene rules have to be followed more strictly.

Many experts and policymakers believe that if the Covid infection rate falls below 5 per cent, educational institutions can be reopened. At present, this rate is around 20 per cent. Even a few days ago, it was above 30 per cent. However, there is controversy over the accuracy of the infection rate. According to the people concerned, the rate of infection is currently being determined on the basis of tests of those who go to hospitals or clinics with Covid symptoms. The actual number could be obtained by testing on a random basis. Therefore, there is no reason to close educational institutions on the pretext of infection rate. The government has opened everything already. There is an attempt to make everything in social life look normal. So, how long will the abnormality in the educational institutions last?

According to the government’s decision, all educational institutions will remain closed till August 31. After that, it will be wise to open the educational institutions in phases. The universities, especially, have to take preparations for opening now. Then, higher secondary and secondary schools have to be opened. The government has announced that it will take SSC examinations in November and HSC examinations in December. We have only two or three months. It will not be possible if the educational institutions are not opened by September. So, the government should get ready now without further delay. Immediately create an outline of how many students can be vaccinated in how many days. Students need to be advised to observe hygiene rules. There has been a huge loss of education in the last one and a half years. It would not be right to allow this loss to increase more.

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