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Protecting Haor crop crucial

In a few days, Boro paddy in the country’s Haor areas will start ripening. Farmers of these areas are now taking preparations at every house to harvest the crop. However, the fear of natural disasters is also looming. The pre-monsoon hot season is already active in Bangladesh. There has been some rain earlier this month. As a result, the water level in the rivers of Haor areas has started rising. The biggest fear of Boro farmers in these areas is rain, for the Haor areas are relatively low and go under rainwater in a quick time, causing loss of a huge quantity of the crop. It ultimately hits hard the country’s total paddy production. In a word, the loss of crops in Haor areas adversely affects the national economy.

Hence, the government constructs protection dams to keep the Haor areas water-free until the Boro paddy is harvested. These dams are regarded as the safeguard for farmers of the region. As a result, they need to be repaired every year during the dry season, and in some places, some new ones need to be built. Adequate funds are allocated by the government for the construction and repair of these dams. But in some years, the construction of the dam is delayed or, the quality is compromised while finishing the construction in a hurry at the last moment. Consequently, the dams are weakened in places. When heavy rains occur and floodwaters come down the hills with speed, those places are broken and water enters the Haor and causes severe crop loss. That is why we urge the authorities concerned to complete the construction and repair work of crop protection dams on time every year.

This year, we have learned that the construction and repair work of crop protection dams has already been completed, which is good news. The Water Development Board authorities and the local administration have expressed confidence that normal rainfall during the rainy season will not result in crop loss this time as dams will be able to protect it. However, we have also learned that the work of strengthening many dams, for example planting trees on them, has not been completed yet. Apart from that, it is difficult to determine the quality of construction of all crop protection dams. These works should be completed immediately. Because, more rain has been forecast this month. If the dams are not strengthened, there is a concern of their breaking. And at the present time of the Covid-19 pandemic, any crop loss would add to the public sufferings.

Another important issue for dams built and repaired to protect Haor crops from rain and possible hill waters is their regular maintenance. The matter is allegedly not given much importance by the Water Development Board authorities and the local administration but the locals take care of the dams as much as they can. It is important, of course, that if farmers regularly keep an eye on crop protection dams, any damage to any part of them can be repaired quickly. This is especially important at the beginning of the rainy season. This is because if the weak parts of the dams are broken at the beginning of the season, it becomes very difficult to protect the crop later.

Above all, a regular and proper monitoring by the authorities concerned is required in this respect. Any damage to Haor crops is not expected as that may affect the national food supply chain amid these strain times of the pandemic.

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