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We celebrate Eid-ul-Azha in sacrifice, in religiosity

The season of sacrifice and a reassertion of faith is upon us again. Indeed, every Eid-ul-Adha is a manifestation of the spirit of sacrifice we have on offer, a duty enjoined on us by the Almighty. The annual celebration of Eid-ul-Adha is, therefore, a time when our thoughts are lifted from the temporal on to a higher plane of the spiritual in the sense that we are called upon to remember the roots we spring from and the destination to which we are headed even as we conduct life here on earth. Every Eid is, therefore, a rekindling of the thought that beyond this world there is a wider universe, that beyond this existence there is a Day of Judgement to which we all are subject.

It is in the ambiance of such a truth that we sacrifice, in line with the tradition set by the prophets of old, animals in the name of the Creator of the Universe. The goal involved in the sacrifice is a renewed avowal of piety. And piety comes not through thoughts of feasting but through the essence of sacrifice. In the eyes of Allah, it is according to our means that we go for this sacrificial exercise – of cows, goats, sheep, camels – but in no way must we make it a point to engage in the exercise if our means do not permit us to. Again, sacrifice is an idea abhorrent to displays of ostentation, which is why it is not only unethical but also irreligious to indulge the urge for purchases of sacrificial animals at prices that are exorbitant.

Eid-ul-Adha is but one more opportunity for the faithful to demonstrate humility and subservience to the will of God. That humility and that subservience are clearly marred when animals are bought with the clear intention of impressing neighbours or with thoughts of feasting centring on the availability of meat. The word of the Almighty, indeed of the religion of Islam, is simple: observe Eid with the rest of humanity, especially the poor, in mind. The poor are your neighbours and your relatives. Their share in the animals sacrificed must not be forgotten or ignored. If it is, the entire meaning of Eid-ul-Adha goes missing.

Every Eid-ul-Adha, like every Eid-ul-Fitr, is an occasion for us to redeem ourselves before the Almighty and in our own eyes. Self-esteem is always a strong foundation of existence; and nowhere is self-esteem more important for us than in possessing the quality of judging ourselves every moment of every day, and every day of the life which remains for us.

In the end, Eid is a celebration, a reason for joy, a time of happiness. All of these come enriched with remembrance of the teachings of faith, with the knowledge that these teachings acquire meaning only through constant and consistent practice.

We wish everyone a happy and meaningful Eid-ul-Adha.

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