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5000 students get free laptop at DIU

Daffodil International University (DIU) distributed 5000 laptops free of cost among the students Wednesday to prepare them for the 21st century, a press release said.

Md. Manjurul Alam Jewel, Head, Human Resources Division of Eastern Bank Ltd. Alumnus of Daffodil International University was present as the chief guest at the laptop distribution ceremony. Presided over by Dr. Nadir Bin Ali, Registrar of the university, the programme was also attended by Md. Riyad Hossain, Head of People’s Acquisition, Anubhab Rahman, Head of Organization Development of Eastern Bank and Faruk Hossain Patwary of Deputy General Manager of Teletalk Ltd. Were present as the guest of Honour. The function was addressed by Hamidul Haque Khan, Director ( Finance & Accounts) and Professor Dr. Abul Hossain, Provost of the University.

Addressing as the Chief Guest, Manjurul Alam said technology is now a part and parcel of teaching and learning. Present government is working relentlessly for the development of the ICT sector of the country and that’s why people now staying in the remote areas can get all sorts of facilities.

Hamidul Haque Khan urged the students to make the best use of the laptop and said the freedom fighters had sacrificed their lives dreaming for a beautiful Bangladesh and young generation should mould themselves to make Bangladesh as Digital Bangladesh.

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