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Daffodil International University reopens physically

Daffodil International University authorities reopened its physical classes for all students after 18 months of closure due to Covid-19 outbreak on Saturday as per government decision, said a press release.

The campus has become resonant again through your footsteps of 17000 students after 18 months. Though the physical classes and examinations of all universities of the country remain closed due to corona pandemic, Daffodil International University’s educational activities were not closed for a day. All activities have been completed through online. This was made possible by Daffodil University’s own invented online platform, BLC. 80% students of the university completed 1st dose of Covid-19 vaccine and 50 % students have completed both the dose and remaining 20 % students have brought under vaccination registration by this time. 

Early in the morning students were received cordially in the main gate of the university and greeted with a rose stick. Members of 34 different socio-cultural organizations of the university uphold their presentation towards the new comers. To commemorate the arrival of the students after a long vacation a 30 kg size cake was cut and band party blew their musical soiree.Professor Dr. SM MahbubUlHaqueMajumder, Pro Vice Chancellor, MominulHaqueMajumder, Treasurer, Prof. Dr. Mostafa Kamal, Dean Academic Affairs, Professor Dr. Mohammad Masum Iqbal, Dean, Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship, Professor AMM Hamidur Rahman, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor Dr. Engineer AKM FazlulHaque, Registrar, Professor Dr. AKM FazlullahHaque, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Professor Dr. Bellal Hossain, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences,  Syed Mizanur Rahman, Director of Student Affairs of the University received the students  with flower.

Early in the morning many students were seen waiting in front of the main gate. As soon as the gates were opened, the students entered into the campus in a festive mood. The students started entering into the campus showing their vaccination cards and valid university identity cards. The university authority have already installed hand washing basins and kept hand sanitizer at the entrance point

Daffodil International University (DIU) organized an ‘Orientation’ program for the students enrolled in the Fall-2021 semester at ShadhinotaMilonayoton of the university campus. Professor Dr. M Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor,Daffodil International University greeted the students joining virtually from Australia. The program was also addressed by Professor Dr. SM Mahbub Ul Haque Majumder, Pro Vice Chancellor, Mominul Haque Majumder, Treasurer, Prof. Dr. Mostafa Kamal, Dean Academic Affairs, Professor Dr. Mohammad Masum Iqbal, Dean, Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship, Professor AMM Hamidur Rahman, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor Dr. Engineer AKM Fazlul Haque, Registrar, Professor Dr. AKM FazlullahHaque, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Professor Dr. Bellal Hossain, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences. The program was conducted by Syed Mizanur Rahman, Director of Student Affairs of the University.

While addressing among the students Professor Dr. M Lutfar Rahman said that the campus has become resonant again through your footsteps after 18 months. This is a scene of great joy. The Corona epidemic has robbed us of many loved ones. Again, we have achieved something remarkable because of the Corona epidemic. He congratulated the students for being admitted to this pioneering university and urged them to ensure the best use of the facilities provided by the university.

Caption: Professor Dr. SM Mahbub Ul Haque Majumder, Pro Vice Chancellor, Mr. Mominul Haque Majumder, Treasurer, Prof. Dr. Mostafa Kamal, Dean Academic Affairs, Professor Dr. Mohammad Masum Iqbal, Dean, Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship, Professor AMM Hamidur Rahman, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor Dr. Engineer AKM Fazlul Haque, Registrar, Professor Dr. AKM Fazlullah Haque, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Professor Dr. Bellal Hossain, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences and Syed Mizanur Rahman, Director of Student Affairs of the welcoming the students in the campus with flower.

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