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Daffodil Polytechnic Institute celebrates 15th Founding anniversary

The 15th founding anniversary of Daffodil Polytechnic Institute has been celebrated through various events Wednesday at Daffodil Education Network’s 71 auditorium in the capital.

 Deputy Education Minister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury, MP was virtually present as the chief guest at the founding anniversary function. Director General of Technical Education, Ministry of Education Dr. Md. Helal Uddin, NDC was present as the special guest. Daffodil Family CEO Mohammad Nuruzzaman presided over the programand Daffodil Polytechnic Senior Assistant Director KM Parvez Bobyconducted the program.

Addressing as the chief guest, Mohibul Hassan Chowdhoury said, the biggest challenge in our education system is the mentality. Employers mention in the advertisement that it will require a bachelor degree. But it is observed that there is no need to be abachelor for that job. It only requires specific skills. Again, most of our parents believe that skill-based education pays a bit of little value. So they want to teach honors and masters to their children. The Deputy Minister of Education urged to change this mentality.

He also said that his government is working to bringchanges in the education system in line with the market demand. However, the private sector can quickly change itself to follow the market demand. The Daffodil family has broughtmassive changeon that way to meet the global market demand. They has been focused on modern technical education and digital education. He thanked Daffodil Polytechnic for providing quality education to our students.

Dr. Md. Helal Uddin said, the biggest asset of Bangladesh is its’ people. More than half of our population is now young. These young people need to be educated and skilled in vocational education. The government has taken many steps in this regard. Daffodil Polytechnic is supporting the government’s initiative by educating young students in technical and it education education.

Earlier the students and faculty memebers broughtout a colourful Rally which surrounded the main roads of the dhanmondi Area. The founding anniversary ceremony concluded with the handing over of awards to the meritorious students.

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