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DIU Celebrates Successful application of AI

Daffodil International University (DIU) organized a “Meet the Press” at Daffodil Tower 71, Sobhanbagh on Thursday in the capital to celebrate the successful application of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Daffodil International University has been one of the pioneers in the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and technology innovation since the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR). Master’s in AI or Master’s program on Artificial Intelligence has been designed and introduced in the university keeping in mind the goal of creating skilled manpower to build a smart Bangladesh by 2041 using artificial intelligence. The program will be launched next year under the Department of Computing and Information Systems.

It was also informed at the ‘Meet the Press’ that another advanced level of artificial intelligence, is “Generative AI,” a type of artificial intelligence that can generate content and ideas for conversations, stories, images, videos, and music.Change is brought about by prioritizing IQ.

“Multimodal AI Platform” is a unique project among many successful projects in application of artificial intelligence at Daffodil International University. This unique platform developed by final year students of CIS department is the best example of successful application of artificial intelligence for the first time in Bangladesh.

Professor Dr. Syed AkhtarHossain, Dean, Faculty of Science and Information Technology of the University read out the written statement at the ‘Meet the Press’. Presided over by SarwarHossainMollah, Head of the Department of Computing and Information Systems (CIS) of Daffodil International University and Convener of the celebration committee, the   ‘Meet the Press’ was also addressed by Professor Dr. Md. MasumIqbal, Dean, Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship, Professor Dr. Syed MizanurRahman, Director of Student Affairs, Dr. TanvirFittinAbir, Director, Career Development Center. Daffodil International University’s different success records in applying Artificial Intelligence (AI), the most talked about technology of the day, was presented at the event.

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