Daffodil International University Debating Club (DIUDC) has become champion in UCB Public Parliament Debate and proved its superlative performance once again, said a press release.
Daffodil International University was the ruling party in the shadow parliament and the University of Asia Pacific is the opposition party.
Jatio party Chairman, G M Qader, was present as the chief guest while Hasan Ahmed Chowdhury Kiron, President Debate For Democracy moderated the program.
Winning Daffodil International University Debate Club team members were Jubayer Ahsan, ShanimShaif Rahman, and Omit Shaha. Beside these,idoy Pal and Shakil Rahman helped the team in Case making and Podium. The team was overall supervised by Md. Rashedul Islam, Lecturer Department of Journalism, Media and Communication and Club Moderator, Omit Shaha, President and S M Rimel, Vice President.