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DIU receives ‘Best Partner University’ recognition from UniMAP, Malaysia

Daffodil International University (DIU), Bangladesh has proudly received the recognition of ‘Best Partner University’ of Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Malaysia through DIU’s cooperation and student’s participation in Asia Summer Program (ASP) 2021, a press release said.

Apart from that, the participating DIU team has also been declared for ‘Outstanding Student Award’ for their excellent participation in academic and intercultural engagement in ASP 2021 which was organized from 16 to 29 August. DIU has been actively joining the Asia Summer Program (ASP) since its inception, 2012.

Here, DIU students have joined courses on Digital Marketing, Data Analysis Mastering Excel to Excel, English for General Communication, Language, Stereotypes and Identity in Soap Operas, and Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries for Young Entrepreneurs. ASP aimed to connect students to exchange ideas and share knowledge, to have experience on various aspects regarding daily life, and to promote friendship between the participating universities; participants had first-hand cross-cultural experience and enhanced communication skills by joining this program. DIU and UniMAP are very active partners for many days in the field of resource sharing, physical and virtual mobility programs, knowledge exchanges and so on.

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