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Dr. Sabur Khan becomes MD of GEN Bangladesh

Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Bangladesh has been nominated as the Managing Director of Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) Bangladesh, a press release said Tuesday.

GEN Bangladesh is the largest Entrepreneurial  platform of projects and programs in 200 countries and contributing by fostering deeper cross border collaboration and initiatives between entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, policymakers and entrepreneurial support organizations.

Dr. Khan is the one who has first initiated a project of creating 2000 Entrepreneurs during the year 2013 while he was the President of Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industries.

Also he has co-founded many of the relevant institutes like, Business Incubator, Venture Capital, Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Knowledge vale so that young generation can learn and Explore their talents during their studentship.

He has also introduced EDF (Entrepreneurship Development Fund) for the students and has written & published several books on Entrepreneurship in different languages. He has also initiated many projects like Startup Market, boosted up Oitijjer Haat, Jibika Project to help the Young and Disadvantage group to explore their product and to become self-sustained. 

After joining this Global Community as the MD, Dr. Khan is going to announce its National Board in his leadership and soon the National Board will start to work actively focusing on the GEN Global Mission to make GEN Bangladesh the most vibrant unit of the Global Community.   

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