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NSU conducts rally marking ‘World Pharmacist Day 2021’

North South University (NSU) Pharmaceutical Club, in collaboration with the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, conducted a rally on Tuesday on the occasion of “World Pharmacist Day 2021” which is celebrated worldwide on 25th September, a press release said.

Vice-Chancellor of NSU, Professor Atiqul Islam, inaugurated the function as the Chief Guest. The Honorable Pro-Vice Chancellor of NSU, Dr. M Ismail Hossain, alongside Honorable Treasurer, Professor ABM Rashedul Hossain; Chairman of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, NSU, Dr. GM Sayedur Rahman; and Mr. SohelBin Azad Apu, President of the Alumni Association of North South University Pharmacy (AANSUP) graced the event with their presence.

The respected teachers and former students of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Department joined us in celebrating the perseverance and successes of pharmacists in recent times.

The event was conducted by the Executive Members of the club, including Md. Shakil Ahmed, President of NSUPC; Arisa Enayet, Vice-president of NSUPC; QuaziFaria Islam, General Secretary of NSUPC; Nasiha Tahsin, Treasurer of NSUPC; and Mahadi Hasan Fahim, Joint Secretary of NSUPC, under the guidance of Dr. GM Sayedur Rahman, Chairman of the Department, and Tabinda Islam, Advisor of NSUPC.

The club members participated in the rally under the direction of Arisa Enayet and Qazi Faria Islam. In an effort to raise awareness surrounding COVID-19 transmissions, face masks and hand sanitizers were distributed on behalf of the club to emphasize the importance of precautionary measures during these unprecedented times.

Professor Atiqul Islam, Vice-Chancellor of NSU shed light on the current prospects of pharmacists in our country, stating that, “The number of opportunities offered to pharmacists abroad is almost incomparable to the lack of opportunities in our country. I hope that the overall situation will improve in the future, and the pharmaceutical sector will continue to flourish in Bangladesh.”

Chairman of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, NSU,Dr. GM Sayedur Rahman expressed his well wishes for pharmacists, and discussed immediate implementations of current plans for pharmacists, in order to achieve desirable accomplishments in the near future.

Mr. Sohel Bin Azad Apu, President of AANSUP, NSU highlighted the importance of teamwork and collective efforts to enhance the professional standards of pharmacists.

The presence of club members and Alumnus ignited the spirit of the students, and their gleaming faces were a sight to behold.

The event was sponsored by the “Alumni Association of North South University Pharmacy (AANSUP)”.

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