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NSU holds Dua on Holy Eid-e-Miladunnabi

North South University (NSU) organised a discussion meeting and dua on Holy Eid-e-Miladunnabi (PBUH) 2024. The program started at 3 pm at NSU Auditorium.

Azim Uddin Ahmed, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, NSU, was the Chief Guest. The discussant was Dr. Md. Ahsanul Hadi, Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Dhaka. NSU Vice-Chancellor Professor Abdul Hannan Chowdhury presided over the function.

The program began with a recitation from the Holy Quran. Dean of NSU School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Dr. Mohammad Sahadet Hossain, delivered the welcome address. He stated, “The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) spread the teachings of social justice, brotherhood, and love for all. He taught and embodied these values in his personal life, practising restraint and moderation. As a social reformer, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stands as an unparalleled example for all time.”

In the discussion, Dr. Ahsanul Hadi said, “In today’s world, there is much to discuss regarding the teachings of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). He remains the greatest example of transformative social and political change. In just 23 years, he transformed one of the most uncivilised Arab societies of the time into one of the world’s most civilised and prosperous nations.”

He further stated, “The life and work of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) serve as a model for the entire world. His philosophy of life, even without its religious aspects, can guide any nation toward the highest levels of progress and development.”

Azim Uddin Ahmed, Chairman of the NSU Board of Trustees, addressed the event as the Chief Guest. He expressed his deep admiration for the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), stating, “I feel a profound love that draws me to revisit the sacred places associated with the Prophet. If we embrace the teachings of the Prophet in our lives, we can create a more harmonious and beautiful society”.

Professor Abdul Hannan Chowdhury said in his speech, “Allah sent the best human beings to this Earth to reform humanity. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a beacon of knowledge. Though he did not possess an institutional degree, he acquired wisdom from every aspect of life.”

NSU Treasurer and Pro Vice-Chancellor (Acting) Professor Abdur Rob Khan delivered the vote of thanks. He said, “Eid-e-Miladunnabi is more than just a celebration; it is a tribute to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). We should try to bring light into our lives by following his footsteps.”

The event concluded with a Doa and Munajat conducted by Dr. Ahsanul Hadi.

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