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NSU, Miyazaki U kick-off ICT Eng training

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed among Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC), North South University (NSU), and The University of Miyazaki (UoM), Japan, to expand the career opportunity in Japan for Bangladeshi ICT engineers sai9d a press release.

MoU was signed at the ICT Tower, Agargaon in the city on On 24th February 2021. As the successor to B-JET, the program will be a joint venture between North South University (NSU), the University of Miyazaki (UoM), B&M, BJIT Group, and Shinkoshuppansha Keirinkan.

In honor of launching the program, a kick-off symposium was held on the last 31st July. On Bangladesh time at 11:00 a.m., the program was telecasted live on YouTube. Eight months-long training program will be facilitated to 80 BD engineers each year. The first five months will take place in Bangladesh out of those nine months, and the engineers will receive the remaining advanced three months of training in Japan.

Bangladesh Japan ICT engineering Training program (B-JET) is a Professional Training program funded by JICA (Japan Government) and facilitated with the technical support of IT Engineers in Bangladesh.

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