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NSU organizes discussion on Victory Day

The first private university and the number one ranked private university of the country, North South University (NSU),has arranged a discussion programme and cultural program on  December 20, 2021,marking the ‘Victory Day 2021’.

The program was aired live on North South University’s Official Facebook page, said a press release.

16th December 2021 is the ‘Golden Jubilee of Great Victory Day’. Responding to the call of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1971, people of all strata fought courageously for nine months, defeated the Pakistani invaders and finally snatched the victory. Following the victory, the Bengali   nation got a flag and an independent territory as well.

To celebrate the Victory Day in a befitting manner, the Universitychalked  outvarious programs including hoisting national flag and laying wreaths at the National Memorial on December16. NSU BNCC presented  guard of honourat the National Memorial to pay tribute to the heroic martyrs of the War of Independence. The university campus was decorated with colorful lightsforsix days as part of the Great Victory Day programs.

Speaking as Chief Guest at the Victory Day program, Foreign Minister Dr. A. K. Abdul Momen said, “Those who are young, may not know how much deprivation we, the elderly, have suffered.You have heard the story, how the Bengalis were deprived. We suffereddiscernment in various ways including economic, social and language.Due to all these inequalities, Bengalis felt that, they cannot stay with them. We are fortunate enough to have a great leader like Father of the nation BangabandhuSheikh Mujibur Rahman who always gave priority to the rights of the people. The greatest contribution of Bangabandhuis  attainingan independent sovereign”.

“Today we have been succeeded to build a developed, prosperous, stable and non-communal country by following his ideals.We are working vigorously to ensure food, clothing, shelter, as well as medical  facilitiesand education for all. We are also fortunate that Bangabandhu’s daughter Prime MinisterSheikh Hasina as our leader and working under the same values to make Bangabandhu’s dream come true.She is not only developing the country, but also putting up her best efforts to ensure a happy and prosperous Bangladesh. Due to the sincere efforts of present government, incredible  success has been attained in the power sector of Bangladesh today and we have become self-reliant in agriculture also. All these developments have been possible due to the able leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, “he pointed out.

Asif Munier, son of martyred intellectual Munier Chowdhury, was present at the program as guest speakerwhileM. A. Kashem and Benajir Ahmed, Members,BoT, NSU, were present as guests of Honor.Professor Atiqul Islam, Vice-Chancellor, NSU presided over the function. A cultural program was also organized on the occasion by NSU SangskritikSangathan (NSUSS) and NSU Cine & Drama Club (NSUCDC).

Member, BoT, M. A. KashemandVice-Chancellor of NSU, Professor Atiqul Islam,also addressed the function.

Among others, Professor Dr. M. Ismail Hossain, ProVice-Chancellor of NSU, Prof. ABM RashedulHassan,Treasurer,Deans of different schools, Directors of various departments, Department Heads, Senior officials, teachers and students were also present at the program.

Before the discussion, all respected guests and participants joined in prayer for the souls of the martyrs who died in the liberation war 1971

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