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NSU organizes webinar on Open Educational Resources (OER) Policies

The Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of first private university and the number one ranked private university of Bangladesh,North South University (NSU)organizeda webinar on ‘Open Educational Resources (OER) Policies’ recently, said a press release.

Welcome addressed by IQAC Director, Prof. Dr. Nazmun Nahar. Prof. Mostafa Azad Kamal, Treasurer and Dean of School of Business of Bangladesh Open University was the keynote speaker of the webinar. 

Prof. Azad gave a presentation on copyrights and paywalls: history, fundamentals and purpose of copyright, the way it works, exemptions and limitations of copyright, copyright law, defining open educational resources (OER), using and creating contents by using OER. There were few self quizzes between the presentations, in which all the audiences participated.

There was a question and answer session towards the end of the webinar. The session was highly interactive and lively benefiting all the participants.

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