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NSU organizes webinar on ‘Role of design thinking in a digital transformation’

The Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of North South University (NSU) organized a webinar on “Role of Design Thinking in a Digital Transformation” Thursday, said a press release.

The webinar began with a welcome address by IQAC Director, Prof Dr Nazmun Nahar. Prof. Dr. M. Ismail Hossain, Pro Vice Chancellor of NSU was present at the webinar and also participated in the deliberation. Prof TS Dr Murali Raman, Director of Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Malaysia was the keynote speaker of the webinar.  Dr. Raman gave a presentation on understanding the role of design thinking in the context of digital transformation. He also discussed how design thinking tools can be used to enhance the learning and teaching environment of Higher Educational Institutes (HEIs) especially considering the impact of COVID 19 pandemic.

The webinar was also attended by the academic leaders and a large number of core faculty members of NSU and other universities. There was a question and answer session at the end of the webinar. The session was highly interactive and lively benefiting for all the participants. The invited speakers also showed their eagerness on future collaboration with NSU on teaching, learning and research.

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