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NSU, UoA join hands for dual MDS degree

Senior officials and faculty members of North South University and the University of Adelaide posed for a photo after signing a Memorandum of Understanding under which a dual master’s degree in development studies will be offered. The MoU was signed in New Delhi on March 22, 2023. North South University and the University of Adelaide have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding under which a dual master’s degree in development studies will be offered.

The MoU was signed in New Delhi on March 22, 2023.

The MoU provides a framework for collaboration between NSU and UoA in several areas, including faculty and student exchange programmes, joint research projects, and the exchange of academic resources and expertise.

Senior officials and faculty members from both universities, including Professor Atiqul Islam, vice-chancellor of NSU, and Professor Peter Høj AC, vice-chancellor of the University of Adelaide, attended the signing ceremony.

In his remarks, Professor Atiqul Islam emphasised that the partnership with UoA would provide NSU students and faculty valuable opportunities to engage with a leading international institution and expand their academic horizons. Professor Høj highlighted that the MOU would promote a deeper understanding of the cultures and values of the two countries and contribute to the growth and development of higher education in Bangladesh and Australia.

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