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ROSATOM organizes Global Atomic Quiz on November 10

In celebration of World Science Day Russia’ State Corporation Rosatom to host an one-day Gobal Atomic Quiz on November 10, the World Science Day.

Objective of the Quiz is to highlight the importance of nuclear technologies in everyday life and to stress the role that nuclear power plays in preserving our fragile planet. Anyone can participate to test his/her knowledge and learn something new about atoms along the way.

The quiz will be available for 24 hours on November 10 at Participants will have the entire day to complete the test of 15 original questions divided in two main categories: for Young Enthusiasts (age from 11-16) and Adults (17+). The quiz will be available in 11 languages (English, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, Finnish, Hungarian, Bengali, Vietnamese and Uzbek), engaging participants from all over the world.

The winners of Global Atomic Quiz will be selected with the help of a random number generator by November 26, 2021. The results will be announced on the   same website:

Winners in Young Enthusiast category will be awarded with a trip to Russia to participate in one of the shifts of the Rosatom Smart Holidays international camp, while winners in adult category will get a chance of visiting one of the modern Russian nuclear power plants. Special prize is reserved for young nuclear professionals, who will enjoy a paid trip to the International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC 2022) in Sochi. Besides, every participant will get a digital certificate as a memento.

Global Atomic Quiz is Rosatom’s annual one-day international initiative. Last year, the project brought together over 12,000 nuclear enthusiasts from more than 70 countries.

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