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SIPG,NSU, Japan embassy hold lecture programme

South Asian Institute of Policy and Governance (SIPG) of North South University (NSU) and the Embassy of Japan in Bangladesh have jointly organized a lecture  program by professor Takahara Akio on “Towards a Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Its Vision, Significance and Practices in the Bay of Bengal”  virtually on October 27, 2022, a press release said Friday. 

Professor Takahara Akio is a Professor of the Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, University of Tokyo.

Professor Takahara discussed the role Japan can play to avoid deepening divisions and conflicts in the world. He pointed out that Japan is playing a significant role in promoting human security and “Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP)”.

With regard to the relationship with China, Professor Takahara noted that there are two aspects – fragility and resilience -, and mentioned that Japan can respond to China by two-pronged approach: Competition and Cooperation.  He lastly reiterated that the realization of FOIP is important for maintaining rule-based order and bolstering peace, stability and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond.

Ito Naoki, Ambassador of Japan to Bangladesh, graced the program as the guest of honor. He mentioned that it is increasingly important to ensure a rule-based international order as we face new challenges in the world.

Dr. M Jashim Uddin, associate professor, Dept. of Political Science and Sociology, and Faculty of SIPG, NSU was made the discussant for the event.

Professor Atiqul Islam, VC of NSU, chaired the webinar. He highlighted the interests that big powers are showing in the Bay of Bengal and expressed hope that Bangladesh will successfully be able to balance its tactics in this regard.   

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