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Two-day international conference ‘ICAN 6’ concludes at Daffodil International University

The two-day international conference ‘ICAN6’ has been concluded at Daffodil International University. The conference was held at Daffodil Smart City on August 5 and 6, jointly organized by the Department of Journalism, Media and Communications and International Affairs of Daffodil International University.

Dr.Amborish Saxena, Professor of Media School, Delhi Metropolitan Education invented this conference in 2018 based on the research work.. The main topics of the conference were media and communication, role of media in agenda setting, technological advancement, paid news, fake news, media literacy and fact-checking etc.

Among the honored guests present at the conference were Dr. Kumar Govinda Suresh. Vice Chancellor of Dr. Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of JMC of India, Dr. Maithili Ganju, Professor of Faridabad MRIIRS and Dean of Department of Media Studies and Humanities, Dr. Ambarish Saxena, Dr. Sushmita Bala and Ashish Chatterjee Professor of Media School of Delhi Metropolitan Education and other eminent researchers and professionals from India in this sector. Journalism, Media and Communication Department Professor Dr. M Golam Rahman, Department Head Aftab Hossain, Associate Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kabil Khan, advisor Professor Ujjal K Chowdhury, Dr. Liza Sharmin, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Daffodil International University attended the conference.

A plenary session as well as a technical session was organized on the first day of the conference, where seven research papers from both Bangladesh and India were presented. A master class for students on research methods has also been organized in this conference. On the second day of the conference, an informative round table session was held on research as well as other activities from a South Asian perspective. According to the organizers, the ICAN6 conference will serve as a great influencer for researchers, academicians and those interested in working in the media in the future to participate in meaningful discussions, exchange insights and explore innovative ideas about research. After the session, the guests toured the campus.

Caption: Dr. Kumar Govinda Suresh. Vice Chancellor of Dr. Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of JMC of India is speaking at the international conference ‘ICAN 6’ jointly organized by Department of Journalism, Media and Communications and International Affairs of Daffodil International University.

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