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‘Youth Summit on Aging2021’ ends at DIU

Daffodil International University’s Social Business Students Forum and Aging Support Forum have jointly organized the ‘Youth Summit on Aging-2021’ from October 13-25, 202. 

The summit based on the theme “Digital equivalence for all age” ended today at Daffodil Education Network Campus. The summit included workshop, training for senior citizen on “How to use mobile phone technology” passing sometimes with senior citizens, Innovation App development, Short film making and campaign.

Dr. QuaziKholiquzzaman Ahmad, Chairman, PalliKarmashayak Foundation was present as the chief guest at the closing ceremony of the program. Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Daffodil International University, TasmimaHossain, Editor of The Daily Ittefaq and Rabeya Begum, Executive Director of Shariatpur Development Society were present as the special guests, a press release said.

Major General (Rtd.) Jiban Kanai Das, Country Director of the Sir William Beverage Foundation presided over the program.  The function was also addressed by Prof. Dr. Mohammad MasumIqbal, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship of Daffodil International University Hasan Ali, President of Aging Support Forum Former BSCIC general manager Manjuara Begum, SBSF vice-president Rakibul Islam, General Secretary Mehdi Hassan Khan and KaziMesbah-ur-Rahman, a senior administrative officer of Daffodil International University were also present at the program.

Dr. QuaziKholiquzzaman Ahmad said, the main problem of the senior citi8zens is ‘loneliness’. He urged the youth to come forward to give relief the senior citizens from this loneliness and color their lives with light of peace and happiness. Due to chronological development of ICT Digital dividing gaining momentum besides financial dividing, he added. By the year 2050 the number of senior citizen would increase tremendously and the society would turn into a different shape. He urged the youth to be prepared themselves to face the challenges of that time.

Dr. Md. Sabur Khan said, Senior citizens always want to share their expertise with new generation and we should provide them that opportunity for the betterment of the society. He advised to build Chaild care beside Old home, so that the children can gain challenging mentality among themselves. He said, age is nothing ,but a figure only. 

TasmimaHossain said that the availability of internet during the corona period has helped many people to spend their time. We should all have one in mind-soul-commitment. As one generation moves forward, another generation moves forward holding their hands and this is a continuous trend.

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