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National Eye Care observes World Sight Day

National Eye Care of the Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and International Non-government Organisations (INGOs) Forum for Eye Health have jointly undertaken different initiatives to raise awareness on blindness and vision impairment across the country marking World Sight Day on October 14.

The theme of this year’s World Sight Day is ‘love your eyes’.

National Eye Care has arranged rally, discussion meeting, advocacy and awareness programs thorough electronic, print and social media. 130 Community Vision Centres at upazila health complexes, 64 district hospitals & base Hospitals (Medical College Hospital) are also celebrating this day with different activity under the guidance of  National Eye Care. National & International NGO’s working in eye care sector of Bangladesh are also organizing different programs themselves & also through their partner hospitals in co-ordination with National Eye Care, a press release said.

Health Minister Zahid Maleque MP says, “World Sight Day is an important day for Bangladesh as this day reminds us of the importance of sight and eye health. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has adopted various initiatives including raising awareness about receiving eye heath care treatments from the eye health facilities, said the health minister.

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