The vaccination programme for school students aged between 12 and 17 will start by 30 October, said Health Minister Zahid Maleque.
The education ministry will send the list of the students to the ICT Division by this month. The vaccination programme will start after getting the list, he said at a programme in the capital Thursday.
The government has decided to vaccinate the students of all educational institutions located inside Dhaka metropolitan city.
In line with the move, the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) has sought information of the students aged 12-17 from all the educational institutions situated in the area.
School students whose names have already been sent to the information ministry will now be able to register for vaccination with their birth certificates through the Surokkha app or the Surokkha website.
The names of the students were sent to the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Division via the education ministry from their respective educational institutions.
Besides, the DSHE has asked school students beyond Dhaka city to send information for taking Covid-19 vaccines.
The DSHE instructed the students aged 12-17 of all educational institutions except Dhaka city to provide their information to concerned upazila or thana secondary education officers through email after filling up a particular form by 23 October.
The concerned upazila or thana education officers will send it to the district education officers through email by 25 October.
The district education officers have been asked to send all the information by email to addshesecondary2@gamil.com by 27 October.
Students must include their 17-digit birth registration number, name, school name, school code, date of birth and guardians’ mobile number in the excel sheet.