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Easy home remedies for winter skincare Issues

As the temperatures start to drop, there is less humidity in the air which causes your skin to react unnaturally, either becoming too dry or too oily. What’s more, skin dehydration can lead to chapped lips and worsen acne conditions. And that’s why it is important to prepare to fight the cold with an upgraded skin care routine, said experts.

Contrary to popular belief though, none need expensive skincare items to preserve the health ofskin during the tough winter months. There are some easy skincare items with which people can revitalizetheir skin without hassle. 

“An easy solution to prevent breakouts is integrating apple cider vinegar into your routine. All you need to do is mix 1 part apple cider with 3 parts water and apply it on your face with a cotton ball. Once you’ve put on a good layer, let it sit for 30 seconds before washing it off”, said experts.

Besides, the experts pointed out, that “You can make a honey cinnamon mask which is also quite easy. Simply mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 1 tablespoon of cinnamon to make a paste. You can apply layers of this paste just as you would with any face mask”.

If anyone still having bad breakouts over winter, then all their skin need is a little exfoliation to clear the pores. A common home remedy is a mixture of 1 tablespoon lime juice with 1 tablespoon groundnut. Applying this paste and scrubbing gently twice a week should help solve your pimple problems.

Thedry skin problems can be solved easily with the use of a little coconut oil. Every night before going to sleep, a routine should be made to apply a little bit of oil on face. After that, noticeable results would be seen on the next day.

“If your skin frequently become dehydrated when you’re out,  it’s probably because your body needs more water. This can also lead to other problems such as chapped lips. The easiest way to tackle this is to just drink more water. As an adult, you should drink a minimum of 1.5 liters of water every day. If you’re looking for quick solutions to your chapped lips, try mixing two tablespoons of coconut oil with one tablespoon of sugar. Make it a habit to scrub this paste on your lips every morning to get quick result”, opined experts, adding that “it’s quite easy to combine some of these ingredients and create a customized winter skin care routine for yourself”.

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