Three leaders of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) have been issued show-cause notices and warning letters in Kalmakanda upazila of Netrokona.
However, another has been declared not a member of BNP or its affiliated organisations.
On Saturday, Convener of Kalmakanda upazila BNP MA Khayer signed the notices.
Those who received the show cause notices are – Kalmakanda upazila BNP joint Convener Md Sagar Ahmed Nazim and General Secretary of Kalmakanda union BNP Saikul Islam.
Joint Convener of Kalmakanda upazila BNP Anwarul Islam Tuton received the warning notice, while Md Shafiqul Islam Azad of Chatrangpur village in Kalmakandar was declared not a member of BNP or its affiliated bodies.
The show cause notices said the image of the party had been tarnished as there were clear allegations of various unethical activities, including violation of the organisational disciplines, against Nazim and Saikul.
They have been asked to appear in person before the convener of the upazila BNP within seven days to answer in written why organisational measures will not be taken against them.
Against Tuton, there are specific allegations of various unethical activities, violation of party discipline and tarnishing the image of the party.
It has been warned that organisational measures will be taken against him if he repeats such activities in future.