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3 students selected for NSU-BdAF scholarship program

North South University (NSU) and Bangladesh Alumni Foundation (BdAF) have selected their 3 candidates to start off NSU-BdAF Scholarship Program.

Under this scholarship, Tamjida Tarin Tripti (BBA), Maria Sharmin Trisha (CSE) and Jerin Tasmin Saba (ARCH) have earned the opportunity to study with scholarship facilities at North South University.

Earlier of February 2020, North South University and Bangladesh Alumni Foundation (USA) signed an MoU, under which these three students have got this opportunity. North South University and Bangladesh Alumni Foundation (USA) believe that no students’ education should be stopped due to financial hardship, which gradually let to this remarkable initiative. It is indeed an appreciable fact that the senior alumni of the university have stepped forward to assist the current students of its alma mater. BdAF is looking forward to work with these brilliant minds in the upcoming days.

It is worth mentioning that North South University provides approximately Tk. 22 crores as Financial Aid to the students annually. The NSU-BdAF Scholarship is a continuation of that process. Every year in the Fall Semester, two or three of newly admitted students will be offered with this scholarship. Students receiving the NSU-BdAF Scholarship will receive guidance and mentorship from BdAF (USA) on higher education, employment and career opportunities.

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